Monday, March 9, 2009

Getting my grades up

As in--O, Makabuang Gud!
Honestly, I am a lazy student.
and that's a fact! hehe
But just to praise my parents, i strive so much to get higher grades(mamugas ba).

And, sometimes i think that i could achieve higher grades if i will just study hard.
But studying is the hardest part for me. It is so difficult to me to sacrifice my leisure time in exchange of reading hundreds of pages of some books. Even 50 would make my head burst!
I just want to make or do things in an easy way.
how i wish i have a photographic memory so i can
just scan my notes and have it all
stored in just a snap.

Well, everything does not just go my way.
I hope that luck will be always on my side.

Nevertheless, I manage to get passing grades. Although, it is not enough for them.

Confuse much!

I have trouble deciding on what should be my final judgment( how harsh).
My final decision about our relationship.
If i should end it now or prolong his suffering?
but i am in pain too.
Even if it hurts, but i strongly agree that guys get so insensitive to their partners as time goes by.
They are just good when they are still courting you.
Even you have sacrificed almost everything to and for him, but it doesn't matter.
although, he keeps on saying he is so sorry, but then again, damages have been already done.
I need a major reconstruction!
as what he have told me, SORRY is the deepest while PROMISE is the biggest word that we could say to each other.
And i am going to add on to that, GOODBYE is the hardest word for us.

I have put a smile on his face!

It does not take me too much to make my guy feel happy!

These some tips certainly were handy:

1. Let him save the day. Due to provider instincts, men feel important when they can help us. Make him your go-to guy when you want advice on handling a sticky situation.

2. Brag about him. Tell pals about his amazing fish fillet recipe or his buff body(optional). It's huge his self-esteem when you show him off. It proves that you notice what's special about him.

3. Make him feel desired. Let him know how much you missed him. Also, in some other way! (hehehe)

Man can be so dumb at times. hehehe. They just don't know whether their woman also play games like they do. They are so egocentric, worst, egomania.
Every so often, they are just simply insensitive.
To girls who are stuck to martyrdom, please... give me a break!
rather give yourself a break!
snap it into your senses and give your jerk man a nice,
strapping, kickin' slap on the face
maybe do it a couple of times.. hmm..
or just a left and right whack!

Coffee addict!

Coffee is the best deal for me!
Oh! how it drives me...

It soothes me so much that i could not start a day without a coffee break first.
It really makes my bad days into calm, lovely times.
With its delicious taste!
Oh, i wonder there are still people who withstand from it.
For i find it so delightfully irresistible.

The sumptuous it gets, the more i crave for it.
The indulgence could totally melt my heart away.

but i later did know that more than two cups of coffee a day is bad for one's health.
For caffeine reduces the absorption of calcium in your body.
Too much and too less intake of certain food can be bad to one's health.
For this, I deprived myself from drinking more than 2 cups a day.
It is better this way than to suffer later in my life.

I have a choice!

Does his looks matter? his height? weight? nose? skin complexion?
his family background? educational attainment? job?
or even his bank account???

Think again!

Some man may posses all of these, but then, do you think that it would make you the happiest woman just by having a man like that?

Does your feelings still matter to you?

All of these does matter to my mother, and same with some mothers too.
She keeps telling me that history may repeat itself.
Although, "Mothers know best"--willing to offer the best that she could to her child, but they are usually blind to what really makes their child happy, be independent.

I know that she wants me to think big and be futuristic. She just wants the best for me.
She is definitely right but it would be much appreciated if she could give me advices rather than nagging me. However, there is no such perfect man here on earth.

but i could only choose a man next to perfection.

Oops! I slipped. Now what?

You've committed yourself to eating "clean" to look and feel better, and it's working. You've cut out refined foods and have been focusing on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and adequate protein -- and you were so proud of your progress! But then that birthday party caught you off guard. A slice of birthday cake led to an enormous brownie, and now you're filled with guilt and recriminations, and you think, Oh, well, I might as well forget it.

Stop! Get back on track, and try the following suggestions:

Listen up. A splurge won't ruin your progress.Sugar is also important to our diet. In fact, a healthy diet can include all foods in moderation.

Work it off--sort of. Do a few extra minutes of exercise, or add a few rounds to your usual weight routine. ( This does not mean forcing yourself to spend an extra hour on the treadmill--you'll risk an injury)

Think long term. You might be tempted to skip dinner to make up for your indulgence, but that's likely to backfire. Just follow your usual eating routine.

Use the experience. Why did you slip? Were you depressed? Overly hungry? Anxious about school requirements or work? Figure out what made those sweets or fats so tempting, and you'll be less likely to fall victim to junk foods the next time. It could even be that you just aren't eating enough, so make sure you're giving your body the fuel it needs.