Monday, March 9, 2009

I have put a smile on his face!

It does not take me too much to make my guy feel happy!

These some tips certainly were handy:

1. Let him save the day. Due to provider instincts, men feel important when they can help us. Make him your go-to guy when you want advice on handling a sticky situation.

2. Brag about him. Tell pals about his amazing fish fillet recipe or his buff body(optional). It's huge his self-esteem when you show him off. It proves that you notice what's special about him.

3. Make him feel desired. Let him know how much you missed him. Also, in some other way! (hehehe)

Man can be so dumb at times. hehehe. They just don't know whether their woman also play games like they do. They are so egocentric, worst, egomania.
Every so often, they are just simply insensitive.
To girls who are stuck to martyrdom, please... give me a break!
rather give yourself a break!
snap it into your senses and give your jerk man a nice,
strapping, kickin' slap on the face
maybe do it a couple of times.. hmm..
or just a left and right whack!

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