Monday, March 9, 2009

Getting my grades up

As in--O, Makabuang Gud!
Honestly, I am a lazy student.
and that's a fact! hehe
But just to praise my parents, i strive so much to get higher grades(mamugas ba).

And, sometimes i think that i could achieve higher grades if i will just study hard.
But studying is the hardest part for me. It is so difficult to me to sacrifice my leisure time in exchange of reading hundreds of pages of some books. Even 50 would make my head burst!
I just want to make or do things in an easy way.
how i wish i have a photographic memory so i can
just scan my notes and have it all
stored in just a snap.

Well, everything does not just go my way.
I hope that luck will be always on my side.

Nevertheless, I manage to get passing grades. Although, it is not enough for them.

1 comment:

  1. just try harder! =) u can do it.. practice lng jud na cge ug study! =)
